
Product for supplementing the consumption of calcium bicarbonate (KH), magnesium, calcium, manganese, lithium, potassium, copper, strontium, nickel, boron, chromium, iodine, fluorine, bromine, zinc, molybdenum, iron, cobalt, sulfur. Substances should be dosed in the same doses as needed. Please remember that the demand for elements in aquariums is varied, possible deficiencies should be supplemented individually on the basis of ICP tests.

Keep at least 15 minutes of break between dosing individual substances.

2x1000ml 2x2000ml 2x5000ml

Ca, Mg, KH

Product for supplementing the level of Ca, KH, Mg

The level of these elements is one of the most important in reef tanks and it should be within the range

KH - 7 to 9
Mg - 1200mg / l to 1600mg / l
Ca - 400 to 460 mg / l
Ca -100 ml of the substance will increase the level of calcium in 100 liters by 18.15 mg / l

Mg - 100ml of the substance will increase the magnesium level in 100l by 12mg / l
KH - 100ml of the substance will increase the KH level in 100l by 2.6dKH

500ml 1000ml

Nutrients removal

Nutrients removal

A mixture of specially selected nutrients

intended to strengthen systems based on the biological filtration. This product contributes greatly to natural removal of nitrate NO3 and phosphate PO4 Dosage should started with 0.25ml per 100l meanwhile observing the NO3 and PO4.

it is not recommended to use more than 2.5ml per 100l. In case of the water gets cloudy (bacterial bloom) stop dosing (reduce dose) Store in a shaded place, out of reach of children

500ml 1000ml



A mixture of specially selected zeolites designed to absorb nitrates, remember that zeolites also bind heavy metals in the water. When using pay special attention to the potassium content, which is strongly bound by zeolite compounds. Thanks to the 2-6mm gradation it was possible to obtain a very high efficiency of the agent, the best results are obtained by using a flow filter with a flow of 200-500l / h Suggested dose 100g per 100l water. When using the substance, the amount of NO3 should be controlled to prevent sterilization of water and sudden jumps of nitrates. Store in a shaded place out of the reach of children


Fosforan remover MAX

Product for binding and removing phosphates (PO4) from water.

Dosing should begin with a dose of 0.5 ml per 100l of water meanwhile observing the PO4 parameter, remember that a large decrease in a short time is harmful to corals. Binding of the phosphate begins about 15 minutes after dosing then it is removed by the skimmer. The best is to part the dosage into several smaller ones and dose directly to the sump. Dosing pumps can be used


Elemental Suplement

Products for supplementing elements. three bottles of 50 ml provide supplementation of essential elements in marine tanks

1- Stront, Brom, Bor, Chrom

2- Iodine, Fluorine, Bromine, Zinc, Zinc, Molybdenum, Iron, Cobalt, Manganese, Lithium, Potassium, Copper, Nickel

Serve 1 drop per 100l every 24h


Heavy metals out

This productt is intended for the removal of heavy metals from water (mainly tin). In addition, it removes aluminum, zinc, lithium, and copper. Shake it before using, mix the substance in the bottle, dose 20 ml per 100l of water 2

times a day until the unwanted substance is removed. During use, the mechanical filter should be cleaned / replaced more often and the increased work of the skimmer should be paid attention to. The substance slightly raises

Ca and PO4 levels. Cloudy water is a normal effect and disappears within 2 hours after applying the product.

500ml 1000ml

Edytuj tekst

This product is intended for the supplementation of elements naturally

found in the seas and not dosed in reef tanks. For supplementation, it is recommended to start dosing from 3 times a day, one drop for every 100l for 7 days, then supplement with 1 drop per 100l during the day. It is not recommended to exceed the dose. The best results are achieved when the substance is used together with Strong Amino and

Elemental Supplement. This product contains compounds of Silver, rubidium, selenium, vanadium. Store in a shaded cool place, keep away from children

The substance is not classified as hazardous according to GHS classification

Use as intended
